CPM supports Movember!
01 Nov 2016
CPM supports Movember and will donate to the Cyprus Anticancer Society €30 for each male employee who participates in this year’s Movember (€1 per day a male colleague grows his moustache).
Movember is an annual event which started back in 2004 in Australia and by now it is spread all over the world, and is involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of various men related cancers, such as prostate cancer. By encouraging men to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. In Cyprus, approximately 400 new cases of prostate cancer are identified every year.
As part of the CPM Movember campaign, a number of our male colleagues participate in this year’s Movember action growing a moustache during the month of November. On the last day of November, the “Best Moustache” of 2016 will be voted by all CPM employees and the winner will receive a symbolic award.